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Hardwood Toronto

Hardwood Toronto

You do not want to make one of the common mistakes when purchasing and installing hardwood floors. Getting quality can be costly, albeit worth it, but you want to get the job done right without any future regrets. Hardwood Toronto is where you can go for more information about avoiding these common mistakes, but for starters you need to plan everything out beforehand. The entire flooring project should not be done in one day only. Take the time to plan what type of hardwood you will want for your home and how you will get it done in the most efficient way possible. With this in mind, we will talk about a couple of common mistakes that people make when they decide to install wood floors in their homes.

Mistakes to Avoid when Purchasing Hardwood Toronto

Most flooring companies will offer you samples of the various styles and species of hardwood they have. These samples are small, and give you an idea of how the style looks in real life. Do not fall into the trap of purchasing this style simply because the sample looks nice. Wood as a natural material can be modified and treated in many different ways that are not revealed by the sample. We recommend that instead of just relying on samples, try visiting offices or homes that have the style of flooring installed. This will give you a chance to really see what the hardwood can do to the room, and allow you make a more informed decision about which style to purchase.

The next mistake is more related to the subfloors over which the hardwood will be laid onto. You need to prepare the subfloor before getting any flooring job done, especially when it comes to hardwood. The most important factor is making sure that the subfloor is flat, and void of any bumps that can obscure the alignment of the floor finish. You also need the right type of subfloor. Particle board is inappropriate for this; you need plywood for the subfloor as this is sturdy enough to handle the hardwood finish.

These type of mistakes can be avoided when you properly prepare for your next job. At luxury flooring, we offer friendly advice about how to tackle each step of your project from beginning to end until you are confident. We take pride in providing excellent service that our customers can rely on and trust!

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