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5 Genius Hacks to Boost Home Value by Top Toronto Realtors

5 Genius Hacks to Boost Home Value by Top Toronto Realtors

Real Estate is a highly competitive market in the GTA and prices are already at an all-time high. It is no question that this is the time for home owners to sell. What separates you apart from the thousands of others who are trying to do the same thing though? Most people are already investing a ton of money into home upgrades. However, we wanted to know some genius approaches that can catapult home value without doing so much damage to your wallet. We ventured out and interviewed some of the most respected realtors in the GTA to find out what they thought. Five pieces of advice were a common theme amongst them – and they are so good we call them “hacks”. Here are five hacks you need to try right now if you are planning on increasing the value of your home!

1. Get Free Advice from Professionals!

In a home where so many things can be done to improve its value, it can be overwhelming to figure everything out on your own. But even if you do, is it unique to your taste? That may not be a good thing and here is why: most people will not appreciate the same unique things you do. If the goal is to sell your home, you want to attract as many home-buyers as you can. Doing so requires you appeal to the masses and no one understands that more than your real estate agent. Most can be consulted for free to discuss what to change before you slap a price tag onto your home. They offer valuable impartial advice because they understand what home buyers in Toronto are looking for. Extra dough to spend? Hire a designer to consult you – they can help you achieve a more aesthetic look that takes a professional eye to see. Here’s a couple of things that were suggested:

In a complicated world, simplicity is king. That’s right. Buyers are striving more and more for a stress-free living space. They want floors that are easy to maintain and kitchens that are a breeze to clean. A classic example is a carpet floor vs. a hardwood floor. Carpets are nice and were highly desirable in the past. However, people are electing for hardwoods, one reason being the ease of maintenance. If you can give buyers a home that they can ultimately hold a gathering with family and friends the next day (since no maintenance is required), then you get bonus points. Moral of the story: keep it simple for the buyer.

Investing in technology to improve home value is a great idea to give the impression of a futuristic, high-tech living space. You must be picky about what you choose though. Technology has the habit of evolving very quick, putting its predecessors back into the stone age. You could have added an awesome TV and stereo system, but newer versions that are only different because they are wireless will make yours look less desirable. A more stable tech upgrade can come in the hands of lights, thermostats, and lock systems that can be controlled by smartphones. Everyone has a smartphone nowadays, and being able to link it to the electronics of the household is a game changer.

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Increase your living space through smart design.


2. You Can’t Increase Square Footage, but you Sure Can Increase Space

As hard as you may try, you cannot increase the square footage of your home. You can enhance visual space. This is the perception of how large a room appears and feels upon observation, irrespective of measurements. Houses are being organized in ways that promote a feeling of more space because that is the trend. People want wide-open concepts. Gone are the days where the kitchen and living room are two separate entities. Instead, kitchens are now opening into the living room allowing for a more intimate connection. There are so many neat tricks and hacks designers and home owners alike are using to improve visual space. Take a look at these ones:

What’s cooler than a hack that takes advantage of human psychology? Sunny rooms give the impression of more space, it’s as simple as that. Making sure sunlight can enter the room is key. Avoid using heavy curtains or draperies and instead use blinds and shutters that can adjust the amount of incoming light.

A perfectly placed mirror is another way to create visual space. A large mirror can practically double your room’s visual space without having to do anything else. Just make sure you don’t walk into it and you’re good to go!

Strategically relocate clutter. We all have those items in the room that are only there because there is nowhere else to put them. Well guess what, now you can create a place to put them without hurting your wallet. Invest a bit of money into a wire closet, place it in the laundry room, and store the clutter there. Believe me when I say this, empty space costs more than a simple wire closet.

Take down non-structural walls. Of course, safety comes first and it is essential to get an expert opinion before taking down a wall inside a home. The power of this technique can bring two dark and cramped up rooms together to form a livable space, or join the kitchen and dining room together for an enhanced dining experience.

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Design to impress your potential home buyers.


3. Design to Impress the Majority of Home Buyers

You need to settle the urge to pick colors you believe are perfect for the home. Designing with the intent of selling involves a different mindset. Based on the opinions from some of Toronto’s top realtors, the sweet spot of attracting buyers is finding a design feature that appeals to the largest number of them. Remember, you are in the business of getting potential buyers to envision themselves living in your home. In the game of statistics, that means doing what the majority like. Make sure you consider the following:

When it comes to the painting on the wall, neutrality is where you want to go. Neutral colors like whites and off-whites make it hard for people to feel unsure about the walls. They are also the least likely to fall out of fashion.

Take the time to remove popcorn ceiling, weird wallpapers and other out-of-date designs from the living space. Old fashioned homes are great for some, boring for many. As mentioned before, people are looking for open spaces and fresh looking walls and floors. Any hindrance to that takes away from what buyers are currently looking for.

You may clean your home on the regular but let’s face it, there are just some nicks and stains that won’t go away. Professional cleaning staff have the expertise and tools to make these things vanish. Even if the blemishes are in the distant corners, they will be found. It is better to get them out of your head.

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Make money by saving money.


4. Saving Energy = Saving Money, and All Buyers Like Saving Money

Energy saving equipment has a substantial influence of purchasing decision. Realtors explain that most old homeowners have felt the burden of escalating energy costs. This is compounded by having energy inefficient systems and equipment. Buyers are beginning to ask for a year or two of utility payments to gauge how energy efficient the home was. Their willingness to do their homework highlights the importance energy efficiency. Try some of these hacks to lower that energy bill:

An obvious change would be to purchase heat and air conditioning systems that are energy saving. These systems can save as much as 30-40% of your energy bill making it attractive to potential home buyers. When you consider that water heating accounts for approximately 15% of the energy cost in a typical home, you invest a little to save a lot.

Low-E coatings improve a window’s insulating properties. These extremely thin coatings cause more radiant energy to reflect off the window surface. Interior heat that tries escaping during a cold winter night will have a harder time doing so as low-E coated windows can reflect more of it back into the house. Choosing these coatings can be an inexpensive way to save of energy!

Your utility company can provide you an energy audit, for free! Since they have access to the energy usage of the home, they can determine how it was being distributed. Afterwards, they provide some valuable advice on how to maximize energy efficiency.

Other things you can do include low flush toilets to reduce water consumption and switching to LED lighting. Installing a water filtration system in your kitchen makes drinking water as simple as turning your tap on and prevents you from having to purchase water bottles. This inexpensive investment is something that many are looking for.

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Flooring renovations that make a real impact.


5. Flooring has a Huge Return on Investment

Ask any Toronto realtor and they will say the same thing: new flooring has a 200% return on investment when done properly. HGTV states that the top request from home buyers and renters when looking for a home is hardwood flooring. On top of that, one of the main things that turns off buyers is the need to replace the floors in the home. The home immediately becomes more marketable when you have new or updated hardwood flooring. On top of installing a brand-new floor, here are some easier things you can do to change your floors:

The last thing you want to hear as you walk across an elegant hardwood floor is a squeak. It doesn’t matter if it is all the way in the corner, if it’s there it will get noticed eventually. Removing squeaks and creeks in the floor may seem like a hassle but it will do a lot to remove worry from potential buyers about the quality of the floors.

Floors are part of a room’s design. If its colors clash with the rest of the room, then you are in for some mixed opinions. This goes back to the point of making sure a room appeals to the masses. Color schemes that are subtle will turn off less home buyers.

Take time to ensure carpets are in peak condition. Get rid of any stains. If the carpet is worn-out in certain spots, then replacing it or at least covering it up with a new rug should be your next move. Carpets can also affect the home’s air quality so hire a company to test it out. If results are poor, use professional cleaning services to ensure the carpet is cleaned properly.

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