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Area Rugs & Your Style


Whether you are looking for a way to add those finishing touches to a new room or revitalize a not so new room, an area rug is the fastest way to change the mood or character of a room. In addition to its aesthetics and design characteristics, an area rug can help absorb the noise level in a room with hardwood, tile or other hard surface floors; it can also add warmth and charm.

Creating the perfect room setting can easily be achieved with the right area rug. Whether you are looking to create a room with classic elegance or a room with a casual feel, there are many choices in rug styles to transform your home décor with personal touches.

While area rugs were originally hand-made rugs, the term currently refers to both hand-made and machine-made rugs. Hand-made rugs are the benchmark for the area rug industry. Machine made rugs can imitate the patterns used in the most popular of the hand-made designs, at a much more affordable price. Hand made area rugs are usually made of wool or silk or other natural fibers, while machine-made rugs can be made from both natural and synthetic fibers.

Oriental rugs and Persian rugs do more for a room besides adding décor. A rug adds warmth and comfort when placed on a ceramic tile floors. Rugs are also great protection for your hardwood floors.

Properly placed area rugs add dimensions to wall-to-wall carpets and protect high traffic areas extending the life of your carpet.

How to choose

With so many choices in area rugs it is important to consider the size of the room and the purpose. If you are looking solely to add adornment you need to decide on the material. Many people choose a soft rug for bedrooms, such as cotton or chenille. A family room may require a rug that will be durable. Wool rugs are a popular choice as they repel water and stain and have a pleasant feel.

Depending on the look and feel you are trying to achieve and your budget, the right rug material can aid you in your style. For example, cotton has a more causal feel, and is available in a wide variety of sizes and styles, as well as price points for every budget. Looking to create romance or sophistication? Silk is an excellent choice. Rugs made of silk have a formal flair. Silk rugs come with a higher price point and are not as durable as wool. If sophisticated décor is your choice, you may want to consider chenille. Their thick pile and softness makes it a great choice for formal living where you want a contemporary design.


Source by Hamid Abtahi

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