• June


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Advice in Removing Eggnog Stains on the Carpet


Eggnog has become a really big part of the holidays. It is delicious and it is prepared and enjoyed during holiday parties such as an office Christmas party or a simple get together with your family at home. It is probably one thing that cannot be missing for a holiday party to be complete.

Drinking eggnog can really lift you up as it is tasty and can be prepared to have some small amounts of alcohol in it to give it a little kick. But you should be careful though when drinking it as you never want to see it spilled on your beautiful carpet.

Eggnog spills are really difficult to deal with as it can make a very ugly stain that is tough to remove. If you are facing this kind of predicament in your home, check out the simple guide below to help you out in dealing with this very problematic cleaning problem.

1. Remove as much of the eggnog spilled on the carpet as possible. You should make sure that you don’t rub the stain as this will only cause it to spread. Just get a clean white cloth or a sponge and then absorb the excess liquid until it is completely gone.

2. Next, you will need to get some dry cleaning solvent which will help in removing the stain. Apply some of the solvent onto a clean white cloth and then start blotting the stained area with this. You will notice some of the stain getting lifted out of the carpet fibers and onto the cloth. Continue to do this for a couple of minutes until the solvent dries up.

3. Apply some more of the solvent onto another portion of the clean white cloth. Then, press this onto the affected area of the carpet and apply some pressure using your hands or fingers. You can also opt to place a heavy object on top of it such as a book. Do this for about three to five minutes. Repeat this until the entire stain is removed.

4. With the stain finally gone, it is time that you rinse the area you just finished cleaning. This is in order to eliminate any residue that could get left behind. Do this by applying a cup of water on the carpet and then dry it with a clean cloth. This way, the carpet will be totally clean and residue-free.


Source by Johnny D Sol

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