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What You Need to Do to Help the Exterminator Get Rid of Fleas


Today I had the opportunity to talk with Dovid Davis, the Director of A # 1 Pest Control, and I learned that getting rid of fleas is not just about spraying. There are a lot of steps the homeowner must take both before and after the extermination, to get the most out of the treatment. Dovid emphasized to me that one of the most important things a person can do to prepare for the exterminator is to remove all unnecessary items from the floor; shoes, clothing and baby supplies. Put them all on a bed or someplace similar.

The homeowner should vacuum all the floor areas in the house, starting with the upper floors and working his  way down to the basement. Or he can start with the floor that has the least problem and work his way to the floor that has the most problem, and generally that’s the basement. It’s important to vacuum all the carpet areas and all the linoleum and hardwood areas. Fleas are very easily transported, and they move around by latching on to a person, in motion, because they are attracted to light, motion and sound. Then they will then bite, drink a supply of blood, and promptly fall off their host. They may fall off their host on a carpeted area, they may fall off their host on the hardwood floor, or on concrete cement for that matter. Prior to extermination, vacuum those areas, regardless of the fact, that they are not carpeted. You must vacuum first.

When a light insecticide is applied in your house it will be applied over all the floor areas. If  a 9×12 room is being treated, not only the baseboards will be sprayed, but also the entire floor area in the 9×12 room. And each room is treated thoroughly; underneath the bed, behind dressers, wherever flea and flea eggs can be, that’s where a light coating of insecticide will go. This process takes about 45 minutes, and it dries in about 45 minutes. It is a contact kill, so it will kill any fleas that are present, But the spray also leaves a residual, so if you have eggs that hatch following the treatment, they will be killed off by the light residual film that remains. Do not vacuum these floors for 48 hours after treatment has been rendered. Thereafter, one does want to vacuum every 2-3 days, for at least a week.  This will in fact remove any of the eggs that are hatched, or any weakened fleas that might be embedded in the carpet. Vacuuming after 48 hours will pull those residual fleas and flea eggs out.  If a householder diligently follows all these instructions, and the treatment is applied properly,  his house can be successfully, rid of fleas in one treatment.


Source by Boruch Fishman

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